Kaspar Schleiser (FU Berlin, INRIA)


RIOT-rs : Re-imagining RIOT in Rust


Kaspar Schleiser is an embedded software developer working for Inria and Freie Universität Berlin. Kaspar Schleiser is a co-founder of the RIOT open source community, to which he has kept contributing since the beginning. As a freelancer, he has been working for a number of companies in the domain including Deutsche Telekom, Cisco Systems, Nordic Semiconductors, and various SMEs. During his Masters, he authored a large part of FireKernel, which eventually evolved to become the kernel of RIOT.


By now, Rust has won the hearts and minds of many low-level systems & OS developers. The Linux kernel has integrated Rust support, and many pure-Rust projects for the type of devices that RIOT targets have popped up – Tock OS, Hubris, Embassy, to name a few. Furthermore, there’s a fast-growing ecosystem of MCU, driver & library projects written in Rust.
Last year, we’ve presented a RIOT-rs, a prototype that explored ways of bringing the best of RIOT to Rust. This talk will show how the RIOT-rs project evolved since then: RIOT-rs provides a framework that is based on Embassy, adds a preemptive scheduler and a meta build system, and integrates a curated list of libraries and tools, aiming to provide the ease of use and approachability of RIOT with the robustness, ergonomics and safety properties of Rust.