About RIOT
RIOT is the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things. If you cannot run Linux on your device due to constrained hardware, use RIOT! RIOT explicitly implements the idea of an open Internet. It supports all relevant standards and is distributed under open source license. You find more details on www.riot-os.org
The RIOT community consists of companies, academias, and hobbyist, distributed all around the world. After three very successful years, we think it’s time to meet more personally.
About the Summit
Over the last three years, RIOT has been emerged as one of the agile and state of the art operating system for the IoT. It’s time to meet face-to-face!
The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and demos. The Summit will not only inform about latest developments, but will also help to gather feedback from the community to shape the RIOT future.
RIOT Summit is set over two days of great talks and tutorials for IoT enthusiasts
Below you find all details about the program.
Friday, July 15
8:30am - 9:00am Registration
9:00am - 9:15am Welcome
9:00am – 9:05am: Welcome, Matthias Wählisch (Freie Universität Berlin)
9:05am – 9:15am: RIOT Overview, Emmanuel Baccelli (INRIA) -
9:15am - 10:00am Keynote by Ralph Droms (Cisco)
Chair: Thomas C. Schmidt
Title: RIOT, Internet of Things, and Information-centric Networking
10:00am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00m IoT Communication Standards
Chair: Emmanuel Baccelli
IETF protocols for IoT, Carsten Bormann (TZI)
W3C standards for IoT, Matthias Kovatsch (Siemens)
Nordic BLE-based home router + Multi-hop vs. Single-hop Aspects, Krishna Shingala and Ioannis Glaropoulos (Nordic Semiconductor) -
12:00pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00 pm IoT Use Cases
Chair: Carsten Bormann
Low-Power WAN,
IoT Industrial Automation, Radu Diaconescu (swie.io)
Power-Line Communication with RIOT, M. Elshuber, Theobroma (SME) -
2:00pm - 3:00 pm IoT Hardware
Chair: Hauke Petersen
MIPS for RIOT, Keno Mario-Ghae (ImgTec)
AGILE open-source hardware/software ecosystem for IoT, C. Doukas (Create-NET)
3:00pm - 3:30pm Break & Demos
3:30pm - 4:30pm IoT Open Source Community Aspects
Chair: Oliver Hahm
Linux-WPAN, Stefan Schmidt (Developer of the Linux-wpan Stack)
Newbie RIOT coding, Michael Frey (HU Berlin), Kai Beckmann (Hochschule RheinMain)
Lessons Learned from TinyOS, Vlado Handziski (TinyOS/TU Berlin)
Experiments with FIT IoT-LAB Open Access Testbed, Cedric Adjih (INRIA), Alexandre Abadie (INRIA), Niels Groth (FU Berlin) -
4:30pm - 5:30pm Future IoT Software and Network Concepts
Chair: Kaspar Schleiser
ICN-IoT, Marcel Enguehard (Cisco)
JerryScript – A ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine on RIOT, Tilmann Scheller (Samsung)
IoT Software Updates, Mathias Tausig (Uni. Vienna) -
5:30pm - 6:00pm Open Mic
7:30pm Dinner
Dinner will be held at Schmelzwerk, Sarotti Höfe
Saturday, July 16
8:30am - 9:00am Setup
Details will be announced.
9:00am - 12:00pm RIOT Beginners Hands-on Tutorial
Martine Lenders will give a hands-on introduction into RIOT and specific background about the RIOT network stack.
Contents and software prerequisites available at https://github.com/RIOT-OS/Tutorials/.
Don’t forget your laptop. -
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 7:00pm The Web & the IoT: Design, Hacking, and Discussions
Chairs: Ari Keränen and Carsten Bormann
Topics: Thing-to-Thing in the Internet. How to better support Web-related communication protocols (e.g., CoAP) in RIOT.
This session is heavily related to the IRTF T2TRG (see https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/t2trg/ for details), which will meet next week at IETF.
1:00pm - 7:00pm FiT IoT-LAB Hands-on Tutorial
Chairs: Alexandre Abadie, Gaetan Harter
Topics: How to deploy and test your RIOT application in the open FIT IoT-LAB.
Contents available at https://www.iot-lab.info/riot-summit-tutorial/. Software prerequisites: an SSH client and a public key. Don’t forget your laptop!
1:00pm - 7:00pm Ad Hoc Breakout Sessions
Please, contact the organizers or the registration desk if you want to add a topic.
7:00pm IETF Warm-Up
The IETF Warm-Up is a casual social to meet colleagues and friends working on the Internet. Participants of the RIOT Summit are cordially invited to join. Separate registration is required: http://ietf96-warmup.realmv6.org/.
Travel Information
Freie Universität Berlin
Computer Science building
Takustr. 9
14195 Berlin, Germany
Air Travel
Berlin operates two airports: Tegel airport and Schönfeld airport. If you arrive from abroad, you will most likely arrive at Tegel airport.
Berlin is perfectly connected in Europe. In case of oversea traveling, consider also flights to Berlin via London, Paris, or Amsterdam. Other major airport hubs in Germany are Frankfurt and Munich.
Train Travel
The German railway system is mainly operated by Deutsche Bahn. If you arrive via train, you should target Südkreuz, which is the closest larger railway station.
Public Transport
The public transport includes metro (U-Bahn), local trains (S-Bahn), bus, and tram. If you stay in the inner city, which is almost everything except Schönefeld airport, you need an “AB” ticket. A single ticket with a two-hour validity costs 2,40 EUR, a day ticket 6,50 EUR, and a 7-day pass 28,00 EUR. Do not miss to stamp your ticket before you use it. For further information and to plan a journey have a look at BVG, the main operator of the public transport.
Nearby Accommodations
Seminaris Campus Hotel
- 5 minutes walking distance to the Summit venue
- Unfortunately, booked out for July 14
IETF Hotels
- If you plan to attend IETF meeting, you should consider hotels closer to the IETF venue.
- Traveling from IETF hotels to Summit venue takes about 30 minutes by public transport.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the IETF?
The IETF is the Internet Engineering Task Force. The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. This includes protocols for the IoT. Right after the RIOT Summit the IETF will held its 96th...
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When does registration start?
The registration is open and available via https://riot-summit16.eventbrite.com/. Please note that you need a separate registration for the BBQ at Saturday, if you plan to attend: https://ietf96-warmup.eventbrite.com.
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Who organizes the RIOT Summit?
The RIOT Summit is organized by the Computer Systems and Telematics group at Freie Universität Berlin, INRIA, and the Internet Technologies group at HAW Hamburg. All three institutions are the original founders of RIOT. You can contact the organizers via summit@riot-os.org.
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How much does participation at the Summit cost?
Participating at the RIOT Summit 2016 will be free of charge. However, explicit registration is mandatory for planning purposes.
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