Building lightweight security standards on CBOR, COSE and CoAP
Göran Selander is a Principal Researcher at Ericsson Research. He received his PhD in Mathematics 1999 from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. With over 20 years’ experience in security research and standardization, the focus during the last 10 years has been on cyber-physical systems and lightweight security protocols.
The IETF has standardized specialized protocols and enablers suitable for use in (but not limited to) embedded devices and low-power lossy networks, such as CoAP for web transfer and CBOR for encoding. For the same reason it is beneficial to standardize security protocols and enablers designed with such constrained IoT deployments in mind. One way to do this is to specify IoT security standards in terms of the other specially designed IoT standards, enabling good performance, code reuse and reduced code footprint. This presentation will provide a background and examples of ongoing IoT security work in the IETF building on CBOR, basic security services for CBOR (COSE), and CoAP.