Gilles Grimaud

University of Lille, "RIOT over PIP embedding secure OTA deployment"


RIOT over PIP embedding secure OTA deployment


Gilles Grimaud received an award from the French chapter of ACM SigOPS for his Ph.D. thesis in 2001.He was appointed as a full professor at the University of Lille in 2009. His primary research interests include embedded systems, cybersecurity, and formal methods. Notable past accomplishments include the development of Camille, a smart card operating
system proven to be secure, as well as JITS (“Java in the Small”), a Java operating system automatically customized for applications targeting small devices. He has also contributed to SMEWS (Smart and Mobile Embedded Web Server), an embedded server designed for small devices, and more recently, PIP, a protokernel that has been proven secure and was implemented and verified using the Coq proof assistant. RIOT is currently being ported to
PIP-MPU. Gilles Grimaud has contributed to numerous funded French and European projects and is currently a member of the TinyPART ANR/BMBF project.


RIOT on Pip-MPU, hardening RIOT memory isolation towards containers support This demonstration illustrates how we strengthen RIOT memory isolation with Pip-MPU, a formally proved kernel for memory isolation based on the usage of the Memory Protection Unit (MPU).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]