Kevin Weiss

Research engineer, HAW Hamburg, "RIOT Testing with Philip: Reference Hardware in the Loop"


RIOT Testing with Philip: Reference Hardware in the Loop


Kevin Weiss is active in RIOT and RAPstore since 2018 and has been developing industrial and research based embedded products since 2012.  His objective is to improve testing and quality to the point where RIOT becomes an easy choice for industrial and commercial products.


Over the past year efforts have been made to provide true hardware tests for RIOT OS.  Now that the infrastructure is available, tests need to be created and run to utilize this infrastructure.

In this tutorial we will show how to use the HiL CI server, use the reference hardware PHiLIP to test on your desk, and how to write and add to the test suite to both point out issues and prevent regressions.  We will also talk about the challenges and constraints of a HiL CI system and the roadmap.