José I. Álamos

Researcher, HAW Hamburg, "DSME-LoRa: An assessment of IEEE 802.15.4e DSME over LoRa"


DSME-LoRa: An assessment of IEEE 802.15.4e DSME over LoRa


José I. Álamos is a PhD student in Computer Science and a research assistant at Freie Universität Berlin and HAW Hamburg. As part of his research topics, he is dealing with reliable and low power LPWAN MAC protocol design with a focus on standardization.


Long range radio communication is preferred in many IoT deployments as it avoids the complexity of multihop wireless networks. LoRa is a popular, energy-efficient wireless modulation but its networking substrate LoRaWAN introduces severe limitations to its users for use cases such as industrial automation. DSME-LoRa, a system design of LoRa with IEEE 802.15.4 Deterministic Synchronous Multichannel Extension (DSME), is a good candidate to overcome these limitations. DSME-LoRa offers the advantage of
seamless client-to-client communication beyond the pure gateway-centric transmission of LoRaWAN. In my talk I evaluate its feasibility via a full-stack implementation on RIOT and quantify its scalability in massive communication scenarios using large scale network simulations.