Andrew Tanenbaum, Prof. Emeritus Vrije Universiteit, Keynote on "Smaller is Safer"
Technical Director for Networking, NetApp, "Towards Securing the Internet of Things with QUIC"
Research Engineer, Orange, "Software-Defined Internet of Things"
Distinguished Engineer, Arm Ltd. and Mbed, "Securing IoT Communication: The Path from SSL to DTLS & Compact TLS"
Lead Architect, Huawei Technologies, "Realistic Last-Mile IoT simulation framework: Whitefield"
Research Associate, HAW Hamburg, "Energy-Aware Urban Sensing with RIOT"
PhD researcher, University of Ghent, "Static Context Header Compression: Where do we want to go in RIOT?"
Embedded Software Engineer, ML!PA Consulting, "Industrial IoT: Achieving 10 year battery life with RIOT"
Systems Engineer, SSV Software Systems GmbH, "Seamless Power Management on IoT Devices -- Lessons from an HVAC Use Case using RIOT"
Embedded Software Developer, Locha Inc., "Locha Mesh: A Decentralized Mesh Network powered by RIOT"