Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Andrew Tanenbaum, Prof. Emeritus Vrije Universiteit, Keynote on "Smaller is Safer"
Lars Eggert
Technical Director for Networking, NetApp, "Towards Securing the Internet of Things with QUIC"
Chrystel Gaber
Research Engineer, Orange, "Software-Defined Internet of Things"
Hannes Tschofenig
Distinguished Engineer, Arm Ltd. and Mbed, "Securing IoT Communication: The Path from SSL to DTLS & Compact TLS"
Rahul Jadhav
Lead Architect, Huawei Technologies, "Realistic Last-Mile IoT simulation framework: Whitefield"
Michel Rottleuthner
Research Associate, HAW Hamburg, "Energy-Aware Urban Sensing with RIOT"
Bart Moons
PhD researcher, University of Ghent, "Static Context Header Compression: Where do we want to go in RIOT?"
Benjamin Valentin
Embedded Software Engineer, ML!PA Consulting, "Industrial IoT: Achieving 10 year battery life with RIOT"
Jürgen Fitschen
Systems Engineer, SSV Software Systems GmbH, "Seamless Power Management on IoT Devices -- Lessons from an HVAC Use Case using RIOT"
Jean Pierre Dudey
Embedded Software Developer, Locha Inc., "Locha Mesh: A Decentralized Mesh Network powered by RIOT"